Thank you Jeff. Your review is excellent. However we are caught in western Oligarchy's REACTIVE game of heightening arm's aggression for their own despondent, schizophrenic sickness.

PRO-ACTION RESOLVING ISSUES BEFORE THEY HAPPEN All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors cultivated constant communication formally through COUNCIL PROCESS for creating Understanding, Constructive Agreements, Working Contracts & Conflict Resolution.

These Dialectic Rights culturally provided that every person could call for formal dialogues with anyone they’re affected by in words or actions. Modalities include grouping of 'debates' within Stakeholder groups to choose Spokespersons. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues CONVERTING SOCIAL MEDIA FROM MONO TO DIALOGUE Implementing online Debate options in Chat rooms & Comment sections. 'Media' (L. 'medium' = 'middle' implying 'both-sides are expressed') implying the publishing of diverse points of view. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1communication-converting-social-media-from-mono-to-dialogue-libya

All humanity's indigenous ancestors kept ahead in humane relations by cultivating COUNCIL-PROCESS or Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues at all levels of human society among: friends, family, extended-family, the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), Cities, Regions, Nations, Confederacies & Continental Councils.

Through maintaining a culture of openness or as Socrates in his organization of Academic (Athens 'Garden-of-Academus') 'education' (L. 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') refers to Dialectic-Rights for every person to raise issues among his or her fellows to be addressed in private or public dialogues, issues are then resolved at our primary levels of interaction, appropriately. Mohandas Gandhi helped create UNITY IN INDIA'S DIVERSITY through bringing together leaders of India's religions, economic-castes, political parties into formal 'SATYAGRAHA' (Hindi 'Truth-search') consisting of Both-sided, Equal-time, recorded & published Dialogues.

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The West must restore education e.g. the dialogue method of truthseeking to its Socratic/Platonic foundation. In order to do that, modern educators must emphasize Reading books for cognitive development e.g. concept creation instead of the sensual/visual/immediate gratification, attention deficit/Aristotelian/British empiricist mind of today.

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Great observations about education and I love your dichotomy between Socrates/Plato vs. Aristotle/empiricism.

I have a friend who also thinks much of what ails the West is its downfall in education. I'll share your comments with him.


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Thanks, Jeff.

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Charles Leone, INDIGENOUS EDUCATION Thanks for your statement. 1st Nations here on Turtle-Island & all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors supported youth in their own diverse concepts of 'education' through what was called the 'Vision-Quest' as well as Mentored-Apprenticeship opportunities. During childhood, the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome enabled youth to interact with known people intimately, intergenerationally, around Female-Male partnership, in interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale. Such as food, shelter, clothing, warmth & health for ~100 people mean youth choose & align with a mentor they feel connected with, eventually leading to a professional apprenticeship, in their field of choice. Proximity in the Multihome & neighbourhood means youth have ease of interacting with their own & all generations.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCES I was fortunate to have a family of 8, which routinely would sit down for Dining-room table circular equal-time 'debate' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight'). Most of our dialogues were about issues of the day, but if disputes arose, such as between my older brother & I, a parent or elder sibling might intervene & demand that we sit down & engage in what we called 'Both-sides-now' with equal time, reciprocating between us. My father apprenticed me in machining, mechanics, architecture, engineering, design, building from ages 3 to 16. I rebuilt my first gasoline engine at 4 1/2 years old & was helping to build houses at 4 years old. I started living-working outside the family at 15 in an Accounting apprenticeship, then from 16-18 as a field support, one-on-one for Queens University Doctoral students in high-mountain Structural-Geological-Mapping in British Columbia then Idaho as part of projects with the Canadian then US Geological Surveys. During my 3rd year the final year Doctoral student & I talked in those beautiful mountains all summer. We both worked through the love of the natural beauty & the logic that we were being instrumental in destroying it, when greater concentrations of 'Ore' exist in the garbage, warehouses & unused infrastructures of cities & other human habitation. We both left the fields of geology & both applied our knowledge & talents in 'community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') ways. Who would have guessed? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/8-vision-quest-education The indigenous extended-family & 'community' provide youth, multiple apprenticeship opportunities with mentors in one-on-one relationships tailored to each apprentice & mentor to both benefit from a person who really knows & accepts his or her self & inner complementary gift for all. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/4-apprenticeship-education

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