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Please meet our new visual editor, Magnus S. Kjærgaard! China Writers' Group keeps getting better and stronger!


Magnus’ new visual blog on China Writers’ Group,


Hello everybody. Jeff J. Brown, founder of the China Writers’ Group and the Seek Truth From Facts Foundation.

I am so happy to announce that we have a new member of CWG. His name is Magnus S. Kjærgaard, from Denmark and he is our new visual editor. What Magnus does is scour the Internet and finds political cartoons, drawings, headlines, tweets, jokes, photographs, etc., that tell a story. He takes a screenshot off his computer and makes them into visual images.

I found out about Magnus about two years ago. He contacted me that he had bought the China Trilogy, my three books, and was reading them, and he told me about his Instagram channel, which I went to, and I was just blown away. For the last couple of years, he puts out so much visual media for people. But the downside of Instagram is that after 24 hours, it disappears. Also, when he puts up ten or 15 of them, you've only got like two or three seconds to see each one and it's really hard to keep up. Thus, for me, it's not very enjoyable.

That’s why I've been bugging him for the last year. Come on, man, be our visual editor. But Magnus is young, he's a father, he's going to college, he just spent six months in China, in Beijing, studying intensive Mandarin, and just got back.

I kept saying, come on, man, you got to do this, and he finally agreed. I got him onto the Seek Truth From Facts website and showed him we created a blog for him. My web developer is in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Nice, great guy. Anyway, we created this blog for him. On Instagram he calls himself Servant of the South. So that's what his visual posts are going to be titled in the China Writers’ Group. His goal is to do 15-20 visuals every week, on Fridays until further notice.

And unlike Instagram, where they're gone after 24 hours, each week will stay there. Each week will be a blog. That means you can go back, as the weeks go on, go back and look at all the older ones. Of course, you can copy off his blog and use all these visuals with great pleasure, which is not possible on Instagram.

I'm really excited to have Magnus on board. I think his youth and vitality and his level headedness about geopolitics and what's really going on in the world, he really finds great material to show you. I think it's going to be hugely popular, where you can scan ten or 20 images in five minutes, laugh and chuckle and see what's going on in the world without having to read too much, because it's all just for your visual enjoyment.

 So please welcome Magnus S. Kjærgaard, we are very happy to have him on board. Welcome to China Writers’ Group!


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