• How Hitler Shut Down All The Freemason/Occult Society Lodges In Germany Before World War Ii (4:01)


Go figure ...

"Once again that conspiracy of pitiful, corrupt political creatures and greedy financial magnates made its appearance, for whom war is a welcome means to bolster business. [...] Men of letters set out to portray decent men who desired peace as weaklings and traitors, to denounce opposition parties as a “fifth column,” in order to eliminate internal resistance to their criminal policy of war. Jews and Freemasons, armament industrialists and war profiteers, international traders and stockjobbers, found political blackguards: desperados and glory seekers who represented war as something to be yearned for and hence wished for."

• Adolf Hitler - speech to the Reichstag – Berlin, July 19, 1940

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Great background, JS, thanks.

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Well presented and informative article.

Orban must be doing good things if they are so keen to ostracise him.

Be interested to see more on the election fraud of France and where this country might land in the next 12-24 months!

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Yes, Peter Koenig knows his stuff.

Please share widely, Chad.

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