Jeff, WHAT DO WE KNOW FOR SURE? Those millions of French, Algerian Vietnamese, Filipino etc 'Collaborateurs', of which 100s of 1000s were murdered mostly by Charles de-Gaulle forces in France can be understood as those who aligned with the 50 AXIS nations for assertion of the basic multistakeholder 'participatory' (Latin 'part' = 'share') Economic Democracy rights to ownership. Remember de-Gaulle's role in the France-Algerian colonial war & massacres, with the Liberators' welcome (Franz Fanon) received by General Rommel in North-Africa.

I agree the equation of world & particularly western fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch command & control is complex, but it is better to consider this as an opportunity for a real both-(& many) sided, equal-time, recorded & published assessment of all the factors involved. The false story built on the one-sided Conquerors Show-trials of Nuremberg has only caused the Oligarch owned colonial west to continue in its human genocide of over one million people killed each year in 79 years since & still counting rapidly in Gaza today.

Before & during WW2 OVER 50 AXIS ALIGNED NATIONS joined together Achsenmachte-German (Associative-Economy), Polenze dell’Asse-Italian, Sujikukoku-Japanese (Keiretsu), Korean (Chaebol), Greater-East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere 1936-45 Powers & aligned collaborating governments & >50 nations as part of: Tripartite & Anti-Comintern, Pact-of-Steel Agreements & alliances with: Germany, Italy, Vichy France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Croatia (Zadruga), Serbia, Albania, Slovakia, Czechia, (originally) Soviet Union, Romania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Crimea, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia (reference to Koran directives against usury interest & for participatory ownership-shares), West Africa Dakar, Azad Hind India, Jammu, Kashmir, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Inner-Mongolia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_powers ECONOMIC ENGINE OF POPULAR EMPOWERMENT These 50+ AXIS aligned governments & aligned populations were supportive of the Multistakeholder 'Participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') Corporation laws, constitutions & policies found within the 12 main AXIS powers which required all corporations over 30 employees to convene voting share ownership of all stakeholders (eg. Workers, Founders, Managers, Suppliers, Townspeople & Consumers) in various combinations. Participatory Accounting enabled these countries & collaborator populations to gain local control of their means of production & livelihood, not available in the Oligarch commanded & controlled Colonial Empire extractive & exploitive colonial Allied British, French, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia countries. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-accounting/2-participatory-accounting

DEPRESSION RECOVERY success of Germany under the National Socialists derived from issue of LABOUR SCRIPTS or certificates of Labour time & tasks. German, Austrian, Hungarian, Korean, Japanese etc. 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') economic background of Participatory Ownership, also involves corporate, institutional & government Time-based, equivalency accounting practices with the Invested-Interest of each stakeholder grouped & represented on Corporate Boards-of-Directors.

Real 'Socialism' (L. 'socius' = 'friend') & real 'Communism' (from 'Community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') involve people who know each other operating in control of their local enterprises & homes, not the false 'communist' basically imposed on Russia through Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) & Vladimir Lenin. financed with millions of 1917 $ USD financed, armed & supplied by the New York Stock Exchange Leader Jacob Schiff (Jewish) & Schiff's colleague Germany's financier Warburg (Jewish). Refer to documentation by Antony Sutton in 'Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution'. https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_the_bolshevik_revolution-5.pdf

Both real socialism & communism are defined to be bottom-up people-powered through time-based equivalency accounting in Economic Democracy. Stalin through Molotov at first buys into the AXIS cause but then switches. Was Stalin bought out? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

Post Script: I don't claim to know all facts, but these participatory-ownership factors, need to be taken into account of a proper assessment, which I believe are complementary to your own report. In the meantime, I take the position of AGNOSTIC (not-knowing) what really happened. Participatory Companies http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/7-participatory-companies

Rateable Corporations https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/3-rateable-non-profit-corporations

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Thanks, Douglas. Lots of good background. You should write a proper article and I can guest publish it. Best, Jeff

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Jeff, I'd love to refashion this agnostic comment into an article. Please give me some guidance on what you'd like to see structurally in the writing for the audience being reached? douglasjack@indigenecommunity.info

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Hard to be lo down, when the West is busily destroying the planet!

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