RFK Jr's expose' of Fauchi was great. But his credibility tanked later by endorsing Zionist crimes so the framing here is important for the cia.

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I agree, Rob. Problem is every politician in the West has to lick the boots of the Jewish lobby.

They cannot survive otherwise.

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Well sure the bio-weapon work is evil. It should be banned. The west has demonstrated their evilness and will lie and continue research even if it would be banned. So I'm hoping the Chinese are " keeping the enemies close" and keeping true to their dogma of "the peoples welfare first".

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RFK Jr. said in his interview that China was doing bio-DEFENSE, not offense.

I get his book on 15 March, will read and notate it thoroughly and do a book review. We'll know more then.

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Check out the list of people on the Board of the No Labels Party. The "label" is Zionist! "One Nation Under Fraud".

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Good eye, Charles!

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