It may appear that some communist countries are doing better. Keep in mind that 90%+ of those citizens have lived in such abject poverty for so many generations, an extra 2 hours of electricity a week will improve most of their lives. I'm not aware of any socialist or communist state where its citizens have a better quality of life, with more personal freedoms and rights than most western societies though.

Billions of people from oppressed countries seek a better life, with desires to move to Canada, the US, Europe etc. Ironically, some people on the left who lack any real understanding of history, want our democracies to move toward communism.

Capitalism isn't evil. Complacency and ignorance of the masses has allowed corruption to prevail. Corrupt leftist governments & powerful elites are taking advantage of this.

Their active roles within the WEF, WHO & the UN are slowly transferring power & control to a global unelected group moving western societies to a Totalitarian system of global governance. People buy it because of fears of climate change, covid, the next virus,...

The upcoming (intentional) food shortages, a looming massive recession that may take decades to fully recover from, continued divisiveness caused by government and main stream media, continued excessive immigration straining employment, housing, health & social services etc; will continue to wipe out whatever gains most people/families/communities have made in the last hundred years.

Yes. There have been impressive advances in some communist societies. Those advances are primarily due to western societies attempts to create democracies through economic exchange. Complacency and ignorance among people in western societies will ensure our future demise while we continue to contribute to those advances.

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There is a growing unrest in most, if not all, western societies. Many citizens are stressed without understanding all the reasons why. Some are stressed because they at least partially see the complexities of decades of government errors, greed,control, ridiculous climate policies/punishments, ties with business elites, failed economic and people globalization policies,... We are all in trouble! The bottom 80% of most countries are being driven into poverty and control measures that only those of communist countries experience. Everybody needs to wake up, question, demand govt accountability and protest when necessary.

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Very well-expressed, Jeff. You are way ahead of the curve compared to most, but blaming it on communism is simply bad, Western Big Lie Propaganda Machine brainwash. The countries that are doing the best and the most for their peoples are communist-socialist, hands down.

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