In eight minutes, he succinctly explains 500 years of Western imperialism-colonialism. Israel is just one of its many manifestations. A real tour-de-force.
“Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed and a picture presented which by its crude colouring will persuade the ignorant people that their Government is blameless, their cause is righteous, and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy has been proved beyond question.“
“Departments have to be created to see to the psychological side. People must never be allowed to become despondent; so victories must be exaggerated and defeats, if not concealed, at any rate minimized, and the stimulus of indignation, horror, and hatred must be assiduously and continuously pumped into the public mind by means of propaganda."
“… the injection of the poison of hatred into men's minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.”
War being established as a recognized institution to be resorted to when Governments quarrel, the people are more or less prepared. They quite willingly delude themselves in order to justify their own actions.
They are anxious to find an excuse for displaying their patriotism, or they are disposed to seize the opportunity for the excitement and new life of adventure which war opens out to them. So there is a sort of national wink, everyone goes forward, and the individual, in his turn, takes up lying as a patriotic duty.
The British official propaganda department at Crewe House, under Lord Northcliffe, was highly successful."
Source: "Falsehood in War-Time" by Arthur Ponsonby (1928)
These may offer some insight? 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'" Harold Rosenthal
“Money is the universal, self-constituted value of all things. Hence it has robbed the whole world... of its proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man's labour and life, and this alien essence dominates him as he worships it.”―Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question
"What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general." Karl Marx
"Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology, and the combining together of various processes into a social whole, only by sapping the original sources of wealth, the soil and the laborer." Karl Marx
“What is the basis of Judaism? A practical passion and greed for profit. To what can we reduce his (the Jew’s) religious worship? To extortion. What is his real God? Cash!”— Karl Marx, founder of Communism, quoted in the British Guardian, July-August, 1924.
We Jews glory in the fact that the stupid goy have never realized that we are the parasites consuming an increasing portion of production while the producers are continually receiving less and less. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview, 1976, by Charles A. Weisman, published June 1992 (See chapter 9, ‘Jews about Financial and Political Power)
"We jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. Woe be unto us if they (gentiles) see the futility of it, lay down the pen and take up the sword. We will never be deposed by words, only force." Harold Wallace Rosenthal. Assistant to jewish senator jacob javits who spearheaded the open immigration policy in 1965.
"You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them.”- Marcus Eli Ravage, Jewish author, quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all races. We have tarnished and broken their power. we have made everything foul, rotten, decomposed and decayed." (The Way To Zion, Munzer)
"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."- Maurice Samuels, Jewish author, quote from You Gentiles
British historian Lord Macaulay warned, "Your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with this difference, that the empire came from without and your Huns and vandals will have been engendered within your own country, by your Israeli Zionist owned institutions."
I have collected many more, from primary sources, the horses mouths.
The people controlling Israel, the west and the rest of the world aren't Human. They have Human bodies (Human DNA), but they don't have Human souls. They have Reptilian souls, that do not have empathy for others like our souls do.
They will all be identified by their Aura and taken out. The world will be dereptilianized and those Humans who believed the lies that helped them and followed the evil orders from them will be incarcerated along with them.
'GENOCIDE' (UN Definition = 'Removing people from or destroying the means of livelihood along with Settler or State murder systematically with such as Apartheid, state & institutional discrimination') is out-right murder. Many Palestinian (Gazans as part) people die every day, effectively killed by lack of access to the food, shelter, clothing, warmth & health stolen from their own heritage & legacy of biosphere, travel, trading, institutional, fair courts & civil protection capacities. Locked into the Gaza Concentration Camp over generations without the ability to leave, Gazans are dependent upon Israeli starvation level food & other essentials. Considering the ongoing daily death toll, Hamas made the correct body & heart calculation that the ongoing genocide needed to be addressed. Israel supported by its de facto Oligarch financial control of the USA, Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands etc. colonial powers, has cut Gazans off all reasonable civil means of addressing countless violations & deaths daily of Palestinian civil-rights, property, life, liberty & justice. Zionist have committed violent & deadly attacks on Palestinians over 120 years of continual Genocide entirely supported by Jewish Oligarchs, international Jewish organizations & the above Oligarch commanded Colonial powers. Israel is the much Oligarch-empire coveted LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-continents of Eurasia & Africa. Like in the Board-game of RISK, such Location is core to Oligarch designs on world 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') domination, command & control of human trade, war & movements. Its sad how Oligarchs held by their own MONOLOGUE, have never learned all humanity's once worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') COUNCIL PROCESS of formal Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published DIALOGUES for achieving contractual agreement & conflict resolution.
In this sad criminal, murderous state of affairs, Ashkenazi Jews immigrated with the European institutional monologue self-talk of "regreening the desert". Palestinians compassionately warned, European book-learned plans, won't work in this environmental dynamic. Come work with & learn from Palestinian experience & we can succeEd together. However armed with Zionist Oligarch fake 'money' Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), violence induced ignorance, & an attitude of superiority, the Israeli government refused to listen or engage. Ashkenazi mass monocrop planting of Coniferous trees, only spread disease & burn like matchsticks.
Zionist aggressive chain-sawing of Palestinian mostly fire resistant Polyculture Orchards greatly reduced the 92-98% Photosynthesis of solar energy by polyculture, achieved over many generations. With Israeli monocropping of various 'agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field') crops & uniform orchards, photosynthesis is reduced to 2-8%. Resulting greater than 95% reflection of solar energy creates continual high-pressure which in turn pushes winds from the continent towards the sea making the land dry to desert. Palestinian land stewardship was carefully & progressively improving biosphere density & photosynthesis. 60% of moisture transfer, when Polyculture density thrives, is through condensation of warm-moist ocean winds upon trillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces rain & snow fall.
Destruction of Palestinian tightly knit dense, low-ecological-footprint intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale villages, replaced by Israeli Sprawl suburban highway-dependent vast tract housing destroy underground water-flows & create mass reflective surfaces as well. Palestine-Israel is experiencing a dry-spell drought, unmatched in many 100s of years. Many remark, how much like California's desertification, Israel is mirroring.
what happened to Mahatir/malaysias collaboration with tur pk. why they conduct drills. Now in a genicidal crises they hide with diplomatic cover events
“Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed and a picture presented which by its crude colouring will persuade the ignorant people that their Government is blameless, their cause is righteous, and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy has been proved beyond question.“
“Departments have to be created to see to the psychological side. People must never be allowed to become despondent; so victories must be exaggerated and defeats, if not concealed, at any rate minimized, and the stimulus of indignation, horror, and hatred must be assiduously and continuously pumped into the public mind by means of propaganda."
“… the injection of the poison of hatred into men's minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.”
War being established as a recognized institution to be resorted to when Governments quarrel, the people are more or less prepared. They quite willingly delude themselves in order to justify their own actions.
They are anxious to find an excuse for displaying their patriotism, or they are disposed to seize the opportunity for the excitement and new life of adventure which war opens out to them. So there is a sort of national wink, everyone goes forward, and the individual, in his turn, takes up lying as a patriotic duty.
The British official propaganda department at Crewe House, under Lord Northcliffe, was highly successful."
Source: "Falsehood in War-Time" by Arthur Ponsonby (1928)
Some great quotes. Thanks.
"If my son's did not WANT wars there would be NONE". Gutle Schnaper Rothschild wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild on her deathbed 1849
"Wars should be directed so that the nations engaged on both sides should be further in our debt." Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Great quote!
I'll use it.
These may offer some insight? 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'" Harold Rosenthal
“Money is the universal, self-constituted value of all things. Hence it has robbed the whole world... of its proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man's labour and life, and this alien essence dominates him as he worships it.”―Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question
"What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general." Karl Marx
"Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology, and the combining together of various processes into a social whole, only by sapping the original sources of wealth, the soil and the laborer." Karl Marx
“What is the basis of Judaism? A practical passion and greed for profit. To what can we reduce his (the Jew’s) religious worship? To extortion. What is his real God? Cash!”— Karl Marx, founder of Communism, quoted in the British Guardian, July-August, 1924.
We Jews glory in the fact that the stupid goy have never realized that we are the parasites consuming an increasing portion of production while the producers are continually receiving less and less. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview, 1976, by Charles A. Weisman, published June 1992 (See chapter 9, ‘Jews about Financial and Political Power)
"We jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. Woe be unto us if they (gentiles) see the futility of it, lay down the pen and take up the sword. We will never be deposed by words, only force." Harold Wallace Rosenthal. Assistant to jewish senator jacob javits who spearheaded the open immigration policy in 1965.
"You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them.”- Marcus Eli Ravage, Jewish author, quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all races. We have tarnished and broken their power. we have made everything foul, rotten, decomposed and decayed." (The Way To Zion, Munzer)
"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."- Maurice Samuels, Jewish author, quote from You Gentiles
British historian Lord Macaulay warned, "Your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with this difference, that the empire came from without and your Huns and vandals will have been engendered within your own country, by your Israeli Zionist owned institutions."
I have collected many more, from primary sources, the horses mouths.
The people controlling Israel, the west and the rest of the world aren't Human. They have Human bodies (Human DNA), but they don't have Human souls. They have Reptilian souls, that do not have empathy for others like our souls do.
They will all be identified by their Aura and taken out. The world will be dereptilianized and those Humans who believed the lies that helped them and followed the evil orders from them will be incarcerated along with them.
Thanks, Gary.
I love the metaphor too, "lizard-brained" and "reptile-brained".
They really describe Western leaders to a tee.
Not brain it's the soul and that is a big difference
Mahathir is a sage.
'GENOCIDE' (UN Definition = 'Removing people from or destroying the means of livelihood along with Settler or State murder systematically with such as Apartheid, state & institutional discrimination') is out-right murder. Many Palestinian (Gazans as part) people die every day, effectively killed by lack of access to the food, shelter, clothing, warmth & health stolen from their own heritage & legacy of biosphere, travel, trading, institutional, fair courts & civil protection capacities. Locked into the Gaza Concentration Camp over generations without the ability to leave, Gazans are dependent upon Israeli starvation level food & other essentials. Considering the ongoing daily death toll, Hamas made the correct body & heart calculation that the ongoing genocide needed to be addressed. Israel supported by its de facto Oligarch financial control of the USA, Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands etc. colonial powers, has cut Gazans off all reasonable civil means of addressing countless violations & deaths daily of Palestinian civil-rights, property, life, liberty & justice. Zionist have committed violent & deadly attacks on Palestinians over 120 years of continual Genocide entirely supported by Jewish Oligarchs, international Jewish organizations & the above Oligarch commanded Colonial powers. Israel is the much Oligarch-empire coveted LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-continents of Eurasia & Africa. Like in the Board-game of RISK, such Location is core to Oligarch designs on world 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') domination, command & control of human trade, war & movements. Its sad how Oligarchs held by their own MONOLOGUE, have never learned all humanity's once worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') COUNCIL PROCESS of formal Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published DIALOGUES for achieving contractual agreement & conflict resolution.
In this sad criminal, murderous state of affairs, Ashkenazi Jews immigrated with the European institutional monologue self-talk of "regreening the desert". Palestinians compassionately warned, European book-learned plans, won't work in this environmental dynamic. Come work with & learn from Palestinian experience & we can succeEd together. However armed with Zionist Oligarch fake 'money' Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), violence induced ignorance, & an attitude of superiority, the Israeli government refused to listen or engage. Ashkenazi mass monocrop planting of Coniferous trees, only spread disease & burn like matchsticks.
Zionist aggressive chain-sawing of Palestinian mostly fire resistant Polyculture Orchards greatly reduced the 92-98% Photosynthesis of solar energy by polyculture, achieved over many generations. With Israeli monocropping of various 'agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field') crops & uniform orchards, photosynthesis is reduced to 2-8%. Resulting greater than 95% reflection of solar energy creates continual high-pressure which in turn pushes winds from the continent towards the sea making the land dry to desert. Palestinian land stewardship was carefully & progressively improving biosphere density & photosynthesis. 60% of moisture transfer, when Polyculture density thrives, is through condensation of warm-moist ocean winds upon trillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces rain & snow fall.
Deep Polyculture roots descend many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies. Palestinian Polyculture being on the right track to regreen the desert is 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than Israeli mechanical agriculture.
Destruction of Palestinian tightly knit dense, low-ecological-footprint intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale villages, replaced by Israeli Sprawl suburban highway-dependent vast tract housing destroy underground water-flows & create mass reflective surfaces as well. Palestine-Israel is experiencing a dry-spell drought, unmatched in many 100s of years. Many remark, how much like California's desertification, Israel is mirroring.
so many of us in the West have looked at our governments backing Israel and the USA
we go on about Hamas cruelty and have nothing to say persons that has been hounded out of their own land finally retaliate
Western empire has overstepped its limits in Palestine.
" end Human bankruptcy " an idea whose time has come .The Search for Truth and Transparencies continue ... .The Truth has been spoken.
You are on the money Richard! On with the good fight! Jeff
yes, he told it like it is
He's a brave man.
What a brilliant mind, that of Dr. Mahathir!!!
So true, Baregil! Thanks for sharing Seek Truth From Facts!
I hadn't watched Jake Morphonios for a couple of years and wondered where he had been ...
• My Birthday Nightmare About Gaza - Blackstone Intelligence – Jake Morphonios
Nice one.
what is mahatir/malaysia plan of action in the escalating blockade of alaqsa. sir, did you ever conduct anemergency algorithm with your partners
Here is his website:
His FB:
Maybe you can reach out to him.
what happened to Mahatir/malaysias collaboration with tur pk. why they conduct drills. Now in a genicidal crises they hide with diplomatic cover events