Thanks for excellent insights into historical events related to this moment.

The late and great Gore Vidal was quite interested in Timmothy Mcveigh. Vidal contacted McVeigh by letter to his Federal Prison cell. Vidal tells us the story McVeigh wrote about events at OKC. McVeigh invited Vidal to be a witness at the execution but Vidal was in Italy and could not make the invitation.

The book is, Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace by Gore Vidal. Thunder's Mouth Press, New York, NY. 2002. This is very interesting information about McVeigh and Vidal. Interesting also is today's date

19 April 1993 and 19 April 1995. Like you say, a warm-up for 9-11. But 9-11-2001 also had precedent events.

So, we here look forward to more of you pod casts/videos.

Again thank you

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Thanks, Joed for your excellent analysis.

I had forgotten about the Gore Vidal connection. I wonder if he knew the truth.

Another reader proposed Ruby Ridge as a starting point to control the masses with fear. But, we could go back to McCarthy and on and on.

The West's open Sinophobia and Islamophobia began in the 1680s. Nero burned down Rome for his palace, blamed Christians and exterminated thousands of them in justification. The Spanish Inquisition...

Fear porn has been going on in the West for a long time.

Pax, Jeff

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