There is not going to be any Nuremberg Two.

Reiner Fuellmich will play this game as a delaying tactic and will deliver a list of genocidal maniacs to the International Criminal Court for prosecution and sentencing. Most of the criminals are American and the US does not recognise the ICC, so Washington will just ignore it.

The European and other criminals will have US support to resist arrest and will also ignore it. Reiner will be even more famous as a lawyer, and will be well paid by the WEF.

Elsewhere, the globalist's 80 year ago investment in Gandhi and his "non-violent peaceful protest" has been paying out in spades, as peaceful protestors are profligate with their opportunities to rid the planet of the eugenicists, and instead march singing to the slaughterhouse.

Did I miss anything?

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Never say never. Thanks to Ukraine, we are at a tipping point towards the downfall of the West's 500-year rape of humanity and the plunder of their resources.

If the ICC complaint is not adjudicated, if has dramatically in the global awareness of the defendants' evil. There is one thing lacking behind the Great Western Firewall which allows them to rape and plunder, and that is the brainwashing of their citizens.

I do not agree with your cynicism about Fuellmich. He could make a lot more money going after other bad guys. He should be commended for exposing the same psychopaths as does the ICC complaint.

Yes, it is too bad that India transferred control from the Raj to its national compradores. White skin or brown, if they are both the 1%, it does not change much for the 99%.

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Points taken, Jeff. Neverthelsss, I hope you will consider my future words carefully if nothing comes of Fuellmich's campaign. I first wrote about Gates's ambition to kill 80% with his jabs, in 2010, so I have had plenty of time to gauge the modus and tactics of the enemy. Frankly, I see Gate's and Faucci as front men for the Principals, who will continue to orchestrate remotely. If there was an architect, it was David Rockefeller. Who the current one is probably does not matter because the various dynastic leaders are now eyeing each other off in the lead-in to ascendancy to the Global Imperial Throne. As I see it, the ruled poplace will have dwindled by 90% when the great moment comes, and I will be surrounded by hundreds of kilometres of wilderness insulation, preparing for the final low-tech assault.

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It is true that the WWII trials did not follow judicial procedures scrupulously. Nonetheless, they symbolize hope for justice and compensation. It is an ideal to which we can aspire.

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