J’Accuse! Hegemonic Western Colonialist Media Journalists Are Accessories to Israeli Mass Murder of Children. More than 13,000 children killed in Gaza and counting.
Latest cri de coeur by the veteran human rights campaigner Jay Janson.
Jay Janson is a hero to me and he should be to you too. Over 90 years old and still giving Western empire and global capitalism hell, day after day. I got to meet him in New York and he introduced me to his good friend Ramsey Clark, whom I got to interview and get a couple of his signed books (http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2017/01/21/ramsey-clark-a-life-of-indomitable-courage-talks-with-jeff-j-brown-on-china-rising-radio-sinoland-170120/).
To honor his great works, I maintain Jay's archives,
Here is his latest kickass look at the West's Holocaust in Palestine, proudly published on The Greanville Post,
Thank you Jeff!
Richard C. Cook
Western leaders do not appear alarmed about the mass murders committed by Israel
they may say the situation is worrisome or other lame words, but the people are angry
but they have no power and by the time the election comes around the tragedy is unfolding
is moved into the back pages