Thanks for this. Very interesting. I had heard of a big attack in Kunming which killed several dozen people, but had no idea how serious the problem was. As for Tibet, from what I can see, and even according to the Dalai Lama himself, he was on very good terms with Mao whom he felt treated him like a 'father'. So it seems to me that his brother got brainwashed, and with CIA money created the uprising that failed. However, it gave an excuse to 'save' the Dalai Lama, or was it simply kidnap?

Same thing in Hong Kong, same thing in Taiwan, this divisive violent mindset injected into the minds of the people.

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The Dalai Lama has been financially supported by the CIA for decades. I've heard almost US$1 million a year. So, it runs in the family.

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He was also enthusiastically promoting the COVID death injections. There is a scene in Stone’s film JFK where the Donald Sutherland character (who was actually a composite) brags about how the CIA transported the Dalai Lama out of Tibet.

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The Dalai Lama is CIA all the way.

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Actually, I am not crazy about him anyway. I was in a small group led by a Western nun who did a 3 year cave retreat in India. She studied with him. At one of the meetings, she showed a full video where he clearly said he got along well with Mao (part of that is in the YT video link I sent. The thing is, even so called enlightened beings are not invulnerable to con men. ) I also don't feel comfortable with the idea of the Guru whose instructions you must follow without question. But just like everywhere else, the CIA gets its claws into everything and Buddhists are no exception. The whole Free Tibet movement is just an offshoot of the Congress of Cultural Freedom, that is, fake Left.

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Dalai Lama is CIA all the way!

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Yeah, at the end of the day, he sold out...! Peter Man explained how it all happened. He really really blew it!

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yes...I know...and yet I saw videos where he got along very well with Mao. As I suggested before, I think the CIA came in, tried to pull another color revolution and then got control of him. Don't believe me? Watch this (must watch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVem5ni7C6A

Mao, China, Tibetan Autonomy, Buddhism - DEBUNKING THE LIES

毛思想共产党 - MCP International

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5,013 views Feb 17, 2018


This is a compilation of interviews with the Tibetan Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama praising Mao. Describing his experiences, he debunks the idea that Mao destroyed Buddhism or oppressed the Tibetans.

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