Niger update ...

Niger coup: 78% of people support military government's anti-colonial policies - Ben Norton (Geopolitical Economy Report)


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Fearless PanAfrican Julius Malema Warns of NATO’s Threat to Africa


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Thanks, JS,

We keep following closely the revolution in Africa.

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Sheikh Imran Hosein is always topical ... particularly about the evil that is controlling 'the West'

Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview - Vizion Plus


“Russia is waging a just war”

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Good mention of Gonzalo Lira, James. I have followed him from time to time – he has had to change channels several times. Here are two of his early podcasts that I have shared widely …

• Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky – Gonzalo Lira


• Punching Up - Zelensky, Kolomoyskyi, Ukraine, and What’s Going On - Gonzalo Lira


(A bit long winded but gets right to the point for a few minutes from 1:16:40)

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Thanks, JS. I'll let James know.

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Thanks Jeff. Something has been nagging me ...

Follow up on ‘Gonzalo’. This is turning out to be a litmus test as to who is who in the field of controlled opposition, and I still haven’t figured it out. As much as I resonated with Gonzalo’s early videos on the Ukraine (as shared above), I did have some ‘mmm?’ moments about his latest saga and escapade. He disappeared once before and then miraculously resurfaced. Below is some interesting material from Scott Creighton that I was directed to by a random comment elsewhere.

Incidentally, Brian Berletic is strongly in Lira’s corner while Scott Rittier is strongly in the opposing corner. I like Brian (with reservations) but am not a fan of Ritter.

Here are a couple from Scott Creighton … see his website (and related links) for more in the series …

• Why Did the SBU Cut Lira Loose? - Scott Creighton


• Gonzalo Lira Says Victims of Vaccine Mandates 'don't matter' - Scott Creighton


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I found it strange that Lira made a big public announcement of his upcoming escape. Normally one wants to be as secretive as possible and then celebrate when free.

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This is completely off topic but on theme - we can only learn and grow by being prepared to admit that we were wrong ...

Earlier today Rolo Slavskiy posted an article (link below) that featured the following video ...

• Ангел 418. Памяти Алистера Кроули (фрагменты). Курехин, Дугин, Лимонов. Осень 1995.

• (Angel 418. In memory of Aleister Crowley (fragments). Kuryokhin, Dugin, Limonov. Autumn 1995.)


Dugin features at around 23:00 just after the twirling Jesuses on crosses – typical Crowley imagery.

What I did not know until today was that Aleksandr Dugin was a huge supporter of Aleister Crowley, to the extent that he featured in that tribute to Crowley in 1995.

Rolo's article:

• The Kremlin Lichocracy Claims Yet Another Victim - The old Marxist rabble-rouser Boris Kagarlitsky was arrested. - ROLO SLAVSKIY


WTF!! I am going to have to rethink Dugin (who I have admired and quoted)

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