Jeff Brown, Thank you for your sobering well researched facts about Allied atrocities. As a Quebecois with many friends from France, I must confirm your assessment of French falsehood indoctrination, never having looked at both sides, about WW2 & D-day. I don't condone war, the Axis or Allied role, but like Mohandas Gandhi's devotion to India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') I know there are formal 'participatory' (Latin 'part' = 'share') & dialogical (Hindi 'Satyagraha' = 'Truth-search') practices, which could have easily replaced destructive WW2 with productive human & biosphere regeneration.


There were many 100s of 1000s of French sympathizers / collaborators with the Axis cause, many (~50,000) of these who were systematically murdered after D-day. The Axis march into France was a cake-walk precisely because of this popular welcome, not by all, but by a huge number of people wanting to bring in a better form of economic governance.

I wish (if I may, considering these facts are not allowed to be expressed in polite empire society?) to bring a less understood 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') perspective about human economic willingness & productivity, contrasting the:

1) Allies oligarch-controlled 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') colonial-empire centralized hierarchal corporate nations.

2) Axis multistakeholder distributed participatory business model.

PERSONAL DISCLOSURE: My own research started with my father's praise for the participatory investment, ownership, Board-representation & human stakeholder satisfaction in his company, where he worked as a machinist-mechanic Foreman. However for myself after years of active development of the false 'co-operative' ('co' = 'together' + 'operatives' = 'stakeholders') in the Natural Foods Co-op network of British Columbia, with a group of provincial organizers we realized how we were not achieving popular citizen involvement nor our own goals. Someone within our group started an 'Indigenous-Economy' study group to learn about the worldwide participatory indigenous Production-Society-Guilds & the role of time-based, equivalency accounting with the String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum on 'Turtle-Island' / North America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie shell in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands. While in my role as a developer & operator within the Natural Foods networks in BC & Quebec over 25 years, those of us advocating for a more fair & robust Relational-Economy system did not succeed in transforming co-ops back to their original indigenous form. I was able in my 1975 role as a Chemical Technician, quality & pollution control specialist in the Technical Department of Celgar Pulp Mill to influence our local union & management at Canadian Cellulose Company to implement a participatory multistakeholder system. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy

This human economic willingness difference lies behind much of human history including the colonial wars of the last 500 years which have murdered over 1/2 billion people as well as going back to the beginnings of empire 7000 years ago in Babylon with the same oligarch thread of false metal-coin 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') centralized issue & command & control of western society & nations. During the colonial period between 1920 (post WW1) to 1945 the Allies under oligarch-order murdered over 15 million First Nations in the Americas & indigenous peoples worldwide, in all our colonies, apart from our WW2 atrocities.

Still today, even after the post Allied-victory genocide, which Axis nations experienced, Axis companies have strong ongoing law & practice of requiring companies with over 30 employees, to convene the investment & ownership of managers & workers but as well often diverse combinations of Founders, Workers, Managers, Suppliers, Townspeople & Consumers.

In Germany-Austria-Netherlands the name 'Associative Economics', In Serbia-Croatia-Yugoslavia-Poland-Ukraine-Russia the name 'Zadruga' (Russian 'Druk' = 'friend'). In Korea 'Chaebol'. In Japan 'Keiretsu'. In Italy with the metaphor of the 'Fasces' ('bundle of small-sticks'), which together can not be broken, among other Axis names where stakeholders from the bottom-up gain opportunity to contribute intelligently to their economic life.


Over the course of one's working career, workers & stakeholders progressively invest & develop share ownership as part of their compensation package. Workers/stakeholders, as distinct Associations, elect (one-share/one-vote) Director seats on company Boards. This form of Economic-Democracy puts decision-making in the hands of Contributors with experience, expertise & decision-making acumen. These companies today, because of stakeholder invested-interest have the highest productivity, profitability & environmental performance. Beyond money, time, resources, expertise, goods, services, patronage & other resources, all have immense economic value. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/participatory-accounting

In fact most internal accounting in corporations, institutions & governments today is about such as: time-sheets, inventories, population & commerce statistics & other productive factors. Money is mainly accounted for externally. These accounting & internal popular governance participatory performance is the economic miracle, which brought humanity out of the western oligarch created depression of 1929 & still the best performing companies today. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

From an indigenous perspective, missing from today's Participatory businesses is the collective Domestic 'Economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture'). All indigenous humanity organized the primary 'economy' within the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). These intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale formed the base 'fractal' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') of indigenous economic culture. Industry & Commerce are subsets to the primary collective 'Domestic' economy. Because women tend (not exclusively) to take more responsibility for domestic & 'community' (L 'com' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') affairs, our indigenous ancestors recognized this core area of expertise as crucial to all economy. Domestic collective professions such as: gardening, Polyculture Orchards, fiber/cloth/clothing, nutrition, medicine, accounting, mentored-apprenticeship, child-&-elder coordination etc, were organized into each specialty's Production-Society-Guilds. Today 70% of people live in Multihomes, with an average of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people. 20% of multihome-dwellers are extended family members living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/extending-our-welcome-participatory-multi-home-cohousing

Formally accounting-recognizing women in Multihomes, neighbourhoods & back onto the Boards of directors of companies based in domestic contributions would have led to bottom-up national strategies & outcomes in the period of 1939-45, as well as internally stopped the oligarch control of western Allies. The Allies, who have conveniently blamed all WW2 murders, atrocities & genocide on the Axis have gone on to murder more than one million persons per year atrocities mostly in defenceless 3rd world countries such as our Allied wars against: Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Guatemala, Grenada, Columbia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yugoslavia & Ukraine.

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? on transforming 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') to bridge from individual to collective 'union'. Humanity's worldwide indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy is transformed into a web-software program so average residents & neighbours can easily: 1) CATALOGUE our individual & business talents, goods, services, resources & dreams as complementary-talents, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally /c record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours. Indigene Community's Web-Software programmers have developed Do-we-know-? so each person's specialized gift becomes an expert capable asset/value for the Multihome community & society at large. When communities show their strengths & leadership, then government gladly follows. Come join us & re-indigenize livelihood & achieve empowerment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

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Wow, Douglas, that is an impressive treatise. You have obviously done some extensive research and I'm impressed. I also checked out your website, watched your Video 1 on polyculture and subscribed to your channel. I am sure you are a real asset in your neighborhood.

We have a garden here in France, but it's just our first year. Lots of tomatoes, beans and zucchini. Wishing you the best in your patch!


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