Thank you Dongping Han & Jeff Brown for your intimate portrait of China. We hear so few reports by real people who live or have lived in China in Western Media in MSMedia, I believe by design in order to distance westerners from seeing Chinese people as real or personal as ourselves. My own Chinese friends have provided me with deep insights into being human.

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

Mao Zedong & Chou En Lai continually & correctly prefaced their mention of the USA as a "PUPPET-REGIME", because they always associated the sinister murderous actions of the USA with its Oligarch controlled Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial COMPLEX owners. Many authors such as Australia's Gideon Polya PhD, accurately calculate the western Oligarch death toll of so-called 'American hegemony' at One million people killed per year, since the end of WW2, through 'genocide' (UN definition = 'destroying or removing people from their means-of-livelihood') or destabilization war & murder. The Oligarch war in Ukraine is as much against the Ukrainian people for their WW2 Multistakeholder Participatory Corporation alliance with the Axis powers as it is against Russia & China as threats to western oligarch hegemonyThe Axis were united by similar ancient laws in each nation by a commitment to distributed Multistakeholder (eg. Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople, Consumer etc.) Participatory investment, ownership & Board representation. China's Huawei Information Technology corporation follows these Participatory practices. Russia & China's false 'community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') revolutions were financed by western Oligarchs in 1917, such as Jacob Schiff (Wall-street tycoon), Warburg & others for China in 1945. Oligarchs imposed fake 'Co-operative' (L. 'co' = 'together' + 'operatives' = 'stakeholders') with the opposite 'One-member/One-vote' governance, which retarded these economies for 70 years each or ~ 2 generations without true ECONOMIC-DEMOCRACY. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

Mao still, has a lot to teach the world about the fake ongoing 'Colour-revolutions') imposed by Oligarch directed: US CIA, British Mi5 & Canada's CSIS fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), arms. Mao of course would follow the money to the trillionaire multinational family hidden minority Share-owners of the cabal triangulated US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London) & Bank of International Settlements, which issue Western money in a trickledown from their choice of privileged friends & family owned businesses as a system of command & control. But would Mao or most Chinese people, understand their own ancient ‘indigenous’ (L. ‘self-generating’) ‘economy’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’) roots of Cultural & fractal ownership & governance as a foundation for real ‘democracy’ (Gk ‘power-of-the-people’)? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

Most of the Americans, Canadians & Brits, colluding with this destabilization-murder, are hopelessly brainwashed goons in a Good-guy/Bad-guy 'MONOLOGUE'. Most westerners living under this Oligarch mind control, have never had the encouragement, nor opportunity in their own families, education, work, institutions or governments to 'debate' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight') in Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published 'DIALOGUE'. As part of India’s ‘Swadeshi’ (Hindi ‘indigenous’ aka ‘self-sufficiency’) economic movement, Mohandas Gandhi facilitated such Dialogue as ‘Satyagraha’ (H. ‘truth-search’) in bringing together individuals & leaders among India’s diverse economies, castes, religions, politics to speak reciprocally together in publishing dialectic (both-sided) statements as a unifier for India’s ‘Swaraj’ (H. ‘Self-rule’) for creating Constructive Agreement & Conflict Resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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Very good discussion (not the best audio quality but acceptable). I have just downloaded Dongping Han's book "The Unknown Cultural Revolution" from oceanofpdf.

Here is a topical article from Caitlin Johnstone...

Biden Keeps Lying About The US "Not Trying To Surround" China


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JS, not sure why the sound turned out like it did. Maybe because Dongping and I were at different distances from the mic. Something I will watch out for in the future.

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