In 1914 – yes, 1914, 108 years ago - John Griffith Chaney (aka Jack London) wrote a book called “Strength of the Strong”.

John Griffith Chaney [1876 – 1916] is described as an American novelist, journalist and social activist, an innovator in the genre that would become known as science fiction.

Jack London was also a renowned eugenicist. His bio talks about his views on Atheism, Socialism, Race and Eugenics. He is quoted as writing "I believe the future belongs to eugenics, and will be determined by the practice of eugenics." He supported the forced sterilization of “criminals” or those deemed “feeble-minded”. [Sounds a bit like Noah Yuval Harari et al at the WEF].

In “The Strength of the Strong” (1914), London was particularly keen to narrate how he desired the extermination of the entire Chinese race.

From the Chapter “The Unparalleled Invasion” (Pp 91+):

<blockquote>“But on May 1, 1976 [remember, London is writing futuristically in 1914], had the reader been in the imperial city of Peking, with its then population of eleven millions, he would have witnessed a curious sight. He would have seen the streets filled with the chattering yellow populace, every queued head tilted back, every slant eye turned skyward. And high up in the blue he would have beheld a tiny dot of black, which, because of its orderly evolutions, he would have identified as an airship. From this airship, as it curved its flight back and forth over the city, fell missiles-strange, harmless missiles, tubes of fragile glass that shattered into thousands of fragments on the streets and house-tops. But there was nothing deadly about these tubes of glass. Nothing happened. There were no explosions. It is true, several Chinese were killed by the tubes dropping on their heads from so enormous a height; but what were. three Chinese against an excess birth rate of twenty millions? One tube struck perpendicularly in a fish pond in a garden and was not broken. It was dragged ashore by the master of the house. He did not dare to open it, but, accompanied by his friends, and surrounded by an ever-increasing crowd, he carried the mysterious tube to the magistrate of the district. The latter was a brave man. With all eyes upon him, he shattered the tube with a blow from his brass-bowled pipe. Nothing happened. Of those who were very near, one or two thought they saw some mosquitos fly out. That was all. The crowd set up a great laugh and dispersed.

As Peking was bombarded by glass tubes, so was all China. The tiny airships, dispatched from the warships, contained but two men each, and over all cities, towns, and villages they wheeled and curved, one man directing the ship, the other man throwing over the glass tubes.

Had the reader again been in Peking, six weeks later, he would have looked in vain for the eleven million inhabitants. Some few of them he would have found, a few hundred thousand, perhaps, their carcasses festering in the houses and in the deserted streets, and piled high on the abandoned death wagons. But for the rest he would have had to seek along the highways and byways of the Empire. And not all would he have found fleeing from plague-stricken Peking, for behind them, by hundreds of thousands of unburied corpses by the wayside, he could have marked their flight. <b>And as it was with Peking, so was it with all the cities, towns, and villages of the Empire. The plague smote them all.</b> Nor was it one plague, nor two plagues; it was a score of plagues. Every virulent form of infectious death stalked through the land. Too late the Chinese government apprehended the meaning of the colossal preparations, the marshalling of the world hosts, the flights of the tiny airships, and the rain of the tubes of glass. The proclamations of the government were vain. They could not stop the eleven million plague-stricken wretches, fleeing from the one city of Peking to spread disease through all the land. The physicians and health officers died at their posts; and death, the all-conqueror, rode over the decrees of the Emperor and Li Tang Fwung. It rode over them as well, for Li Tang Fwung died in the second week, and the Emperor, hidden away in the Summer Palace, died in the fourth week.”</blockquote>

[End of quoted passage]

Such were the musings of a eugenicist named John Griffith Chaney (aka Jack London) in 1914. That is SOME predictive programming!


But Jeff, I am still deeply distressed and concerned about what is happening in Shanghai. Hard to stay positive.

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Great background, Julius. Thanks for sharing. Jeff

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In Australia, we are threatened by China and the US. Both are causing our nation injury. We want both of you out of the South Pacific. Jeff, grow up and look at what is happening.

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Tony, I can fully empathize with you, as I felt the same way, until I turned 56 and returned to China for the second time. I know how hard it is. Cheers, Jeff

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Since 1992, it has been mandatory for all Chinese in the world to forego their languages; Haka, Cantonese, Hokkien, whatever, and adopt Mandarin so that they can establish a Sino-Empire. The world does not need any more empires, especially one as aggressive and ruthless as China. In the Solomon Islands, they plan to have mainland police arrest and detain Solomon Islanders who attack Chinese merchants who rip them off. Chinese do not recognise the values of the countries they adopt and, instead, impose their own "money comes first" mentality. 1.2 million of these are doing precisely that in Australia, buying up arable and residential land, financed by the CCP. If this incremental annexation continues they will be expelled, along with their apologists, who will be accused of treason. Is this what you support?

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Germans learn High German at school and speak scores of local dialects at home. Chinese world over learn universal Mandarin, to be able to communicate with everyone, and speak thousands of local tongues at home, including the Taiwanese.

The West supports neoliberal global capitalism and their people suffer terrible consequences. China is communist-socialist, has the laws and does not have to worry about all that.

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Not true, Jeff. My Chinese son-in-law was under constant pressure to dump Haka and speak Mandarin, everywhere. People who who refused were treated like pariahs and families were divided. I embarassed the family by making a wedding speech in Haka first, then in Mandarin. I could see smirks of enjoyment by those who resented the pressure.

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In 16 years in China and in the region, I never saw this problem. Everyone in Penang speaks Hakka and in San Francisco they speak a lot of Cantonese, as they do in Hong Kong.

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Perhaps they are more fanatical in Darwin. But points taken. I will keep an open mind. Nevertheless, what's your take on Shanghai?

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