China's Diplomacy, Geopolitics & Defense this Week
After details emerged about 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive for a banned substance, which Chinese authorities blamed on contamination from a hotel kitchen, none were suspended and some went on to win medals at the Tokyo Olympics, the US launched an investigation, but leaders at WADA suggested they might sanction one of their biggest critics, the US Anti-Doping Agency, over the law. "As a global regulator, one of our duties is to make sure our stakeholders are following our regulations and rules, and that the national legislation is in accordance with the world anti-doping code," WADA president Witold Banka explained. While some tried to calm things down, others could see a worst-case scenario: that the US will not be allowed to host big-time events such as the Olympics in the future. The US Congress passed that bill in 2020, the Rodchenkov Act, doesn't adhere to the rules, it could start the process of finding USADA in noncompliance. That, in turn, could trigger sanctions, which jeopardize America's ability to host any international event…
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5 months ago · 3 likes · Godfree Roberts