Ben & Billy with a hot, new current event checklist, Ramin's analysis of Emmanuel Todd's book, Amarynth covers the West's color rev in Venezuela + Palestine, and Matt explains the occult Olympics.
China Writers' Group is your one-stop brain shop for understanding our reality behind the West's Big Lie Propaganda Machine headlines!
Ben & Billy give you an amazing checklist/outline of the latest headlines and current events.
Ramin Mazaheri
Amarynth Flower
Here is my comments and others in the comment section. We are reporting issue by issue. This attempted coup will not succeed but Venezuela is not out of the hot water yet. They will keep being a target as they are a nexus between Central and South America and so far the most successful country breaking the Monroe accords and tying up with BRICS, SCO and the new word structures.
I'll write an essay on all that happened and the tactics of the hegemon who is completely bamboozled because they cannot steal the whole of Venezuela with its oil and its gold. Even Elon Musk is busy disseminating false flag type information. They’ve taken the grey tick indicating a government official off Nicolas Maduro’s X account. But you know what, Zelenski still has his grey tick.
Also, in Palestine,